Andrea Presotto, PhD
East Carolina University
Selected publications
Farias AT, Hamilton SE, Pires LBM, Canale GR, dos Santos R, Presotto A (2023). Impact of Land Conversion on Primate Habitats: Refining Distribution Data for Four Capuchin Species in Northeastern Brazil. International Journal of Primatology:
Hofner AN, Carvalho P, Matos, MP, Presotto A, dos Santos RR, Salmi R (2023). The coexistence of people and bearded capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus) in a non-industrial ecosystem: an assessment of tourist and local perceptions in the coastal area of Maranhão, Brazil. International Journal of Primatology:
Salmi R, Le K, Silva J, Conceicao D, Presotto A, dos Santos R. Hand preference in wild crab-eating capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) in the Coastal Area of northeast Brazil (2023). American Journal of Primatology:
Hamilton SE, Presotto A (shared first authorship), Lembo A. (2022) Establishing the relationship between nonhuman primates and mangrove forests at the global, national, and local scales. PLOS One:
Izar P, Peternelli-dos-Santos, L, Rothman JM, Raubenheimer D, Presotto A, Visalberghi EM, Fragaszy DM (2022) Stone tools improve diet quality in wild monkeys. Current Biology: PMID: 35985326, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.07.056
Langbauer Jr, W. R., Karidozo, M., Madden, M., Parry, R., Koehler, S., Fillebrown, J., ... & Presotto, A. (2021). From elephant memory to conservation action: using chili oil to mitigate conflict one elephant at a time. Animal Conservation. (
Suscke P, Presotto A & Izar P. (2021). The role of hunting on Sapajus xanthosternos’ landscape of fear in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. American Journal of Primatology, 2021 (
Abreu F, Garber PA, Souto A, Presotto A, & Schiel, N. (2021) Navigating in a challenging semiarid environment: the use of a route-based mental map by a small-bodied neotropical primate. Animal Cognition, 1-15
Presotto A, Remillard C, Spagnoletti S, Stafford K, Salmi R, Santos R.R, Madden M, Fragaszy D, Visalberghi E, Izar (2020) P. Rare nonhuman primate tool-use culture is threatened by land use changes in northeastern Brazil. International Journal of Primatology
Salmi R, Presotto A, Scarry C, Hawman P, Doran-Sheehy D. (2020) Spatial cognition in western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla): An analysis of distance, linearity and speed of travel routes. Animal Cognition 23:545-557
Presotto A, Fayrer-Hosken R, Curry C, Madden M. (2019) Spatial mapping shows that some African Elephants use cognitive maps to navigate the core but not the periphery of their home ranges. Animal Cognition 22(2): 251-263
Presotto A, Izar P, Verderane MP, Biondi L, Mendonça-Furtado O, Spagnoletti N, Madden M. (2018) Intersection as key locations for bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) traveling within a route network map. Animal Cognition 21(3): 393-405
Katsis L, Cunneyworth P, Tuner K, Presotto A. (2018) Spatial patterns of primate electrocution in Diani, Kenya. International Journal of Primatology doi:10.1007/s10764-018 0046-6